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Who are we?

We are elementary school teachers with 9 years of experience between us. Each year, we've had children in our classrooms who have identified as either gender creative or trans. We have worked closely with gender creative and trans parents.

Why GIC?

We believe that children can be engaged in meaningful discussions about gender when educators themselves have a complex understanding of gender. We've created this website as a resource for all teachers seeking to create an affirming, safe, nurturing and supportive environment for all their students, regardless of their gender identity and expression.

Is This Site for Me?

This is a website for everyone. It's for educators supporting a trans child as they transition. It's for school counselors seeking information to share with families of a gender creative child. It's for teachers looking to challenge gender stereotypes and teach beyond the binary through books and inclusive curriculum.

How should gender be taught?

Our hope is that all this work can be done through an intersectional lens, considering the multiple identities with which students come to school. Please also read more about Principles of a Gender Inclusive Classroom. 

I have a specific question, or would appreciate guidance. 

Please feel free to contact us! We will do our best to answer your question or guide you toward helpful resources. You may also find the following page helpful: Myths and Misconceptions. 

I'm an educator seeking lesson plans.

We happily provide free curricula.

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